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D dimer test

A D-dimer test is a blood test that checks for, or monitors, blood-clotting problems. A positive test means the D-dimer level in the body is higher than normal and suggests someone might have blood clots.

What does high D-dimer mean?

What does a high D-dimer test result mean? If your results reveal that you have higher-than-normal levels of D-dimer in your blood, it may mean that you have a blood clotting condition. A D-dimer test can't determine the type of blood clotting condition you may have or where the blood clot(s) is in your body.

What is the normal range of D-dimer?

A normal D-dimer is considered less than 0.50. A positive D-dimer is 0.50 or greater. Since this is a screening test, a positive D-Dimer is a positive screen. [4][5][6][7] There is not necessarily a critical level for a D-dimer.

What do D-dimer levels indicate?

If your results show low or normal D-dimer levels in the blood, it means you probably don't have a clotting disorder. If your results show higher than normal levels of D-dimer, it may mean you have a clotting disorder. But it cannot show where the clot is located or what type of clotting disorder you have.

What causes raised D-dimer?

An elevated D-dimer may be due to a VTE or DIC but it may also be due to a recent surgery, or trauma, infection, liver or kidney disease, cancers, in normal pregnancy but also some diseases of pregnancy such as eclampsia.

What is the treatment for high D-dimer?

Statins have proven antithrombotic properties, as suggested by the reduction of several prothrombotic markers, including D-dimer, in patients at high risk of arterial thrombosis.

IS 200 D-dimer normal?

Conclusion: The rate of confirmed VTE in low-risk patients with D-dimer levels between 200 and 500 ng/mL is very low. Low-risk patients with suspected VTE with D-dimer levels less than 500 ng/mL might not require additional testing.

What is D-dimer in COVID-19?

In normal conditions, the levels of D-dimer are low whereas high levels of D-dimer in your blood indicates presence of a major clot. Several studies suggest that levels of D-dimer may rise sharply in the case of COVID-19 and is associated with the severity of the disease.