Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

Decis 100 ml

What is the use of decis?

Deltamethrin is the world's most effective synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for use in agriculture, being photo stable. It is nonsystemic insecticide which acts by contact and ingestion, and exhibiting a broad spectrum control of chewing and sucking insects….CROP AND TARGET PESTS.

CropTarget Pest
ChilliFruit borer

How do you use decis insecticide?

Apply decis 5 EC Insecticide in a minimum of 11-22 litres of water per hectare at a pressure of at least 200 kPa. For best results, use sufficient water to ensure complete coverage. Read and understand the entire label before opening this product.

Is decis systemic?

Decis is not systemic and it is, therefore, important that the amount of water is sufficient to permit good spray coverage of the foliage, particularly in beans, peas, glasshouse crops and ornamentals.

What is movento insecticide?

Movento is a powerful, innovative insecticide for the control of sucking pests – including silverleaf whitefly and various aphid, scale and thrips pests – in a range of vegetable crops, citrus, stone fruit, mangoes, grapes, apples and cotton. Movento is also registered for diamondback moth larvae control in brassicas.

What is insecticide?

They include such chemicals as hydrogen cyanide, naphthalene, nicotine, and methyl bromide and are used mainly for killing insect pests of stored products or for fumigating nursery stock.

Is deltamethrin toxic to humans?

Deltamethrin can be mildly irritating if it gets in the eye. … Although not common, individuals who have ingested large amounts of deltamethrin have experienced nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and muscle twitches. Deltamethrin is low in toxicity when it is touched or breathed in and is low to moderately toxic if eaten.

What is abamectin used for?

Abamectin is a natural fermentation product of this bacterium. It acts as an insecticide by affecting the nervous system of and paralyzing insects. Abamectin is used to control insect and mite pests of citrus, pear, and nut tree crops, and it is used by homeowners for control of fire ants.